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How To Do Airfoil Inspection In GOM Inspect Software

Do you work for a company that manufactures airfoils for the aerospace or power generation industry? Did you know that GOM Inspect software is best prepared to help you address the specialized drawing callouts associated with these types of parts? GOM's airfoil inspection tools are completely customizable and come included with every installation of GOM Inspect.

What is Airfoil Inspection?

Airfoil inspection is the analysis of two-dimensional cross-sections. In this project, the analysis needs to be repeated at each reference plane. Airfoil inspection often includes thicknesses taken at the leading and trailing edge, the maximum profile thickness, overall length, and width dimensions called chords. There are also angles like the stagger angle, or the exit angle, which are usually between constructions on the section and datums from a nominal coordinate system. Airfoil inspection might also include the shape and location of the section, called profile form and position.



Since an airfoil inspection includes a lot of information, a naming convention is necessary to sort and organize the results. This example organizes all the results of thicknesses and radius from each plane using labels that indicate "Plane A," "Plane B," and so on. Information can also be sorted by color, grouping the maximum profile thickness results from each of the planes in their own table and leading edge thickness for each of the planes in their own table.

This example uses a finished inspection project of an airfoil casting part. Open the project in the free version of GOM Inspect. Open the inspection workspace and open the CAD model and base. Next, select the CAD model. From the 3D toolbar, use the "Select All" button to select the entire surface of the CAD.

Creating a Cross-Section

First, go to "Construct," then "Section," then "Single Section." Then hit "Create and Close," leaving the nominal section of the CAD. Next, apply a measuring principle, such as reference construction, so the software automatically creates the actual element section in the mesh data. Now press "E" to view this section by itself. The section is correctly selected if it is highlighted by arrows.

Select the section and hit CTRL, and right-click to open the I-Inspect wheel. The propeller symbol opens, providing a list of airfoil tools. Select "Camber Line" and hit OK. At this point, the software recognizes this project is an airfoil and, more specifically, that this is the backbone of the cross-section. Use the same airfoil tools and choose "Profile Edge Points," resulting in the leading edge point and the trailing edge point.

Select the section again to open the airfoil tools list from the I-Inspect wheel and hit "Profile Edge Thicknesses" to create some dimensions at a specific location according to the drawing. The software can check these dimensions for distance and apply tolerances.

Continue this same sequence using a combination of airfoil tools or Standard Elements from the Construct and Inspection menus, following the input from the airfoil, drawing, until all of the information required is visible. Organize the information with naming conventions and create tags along the way to group it into convenient scenes that will make up the report.

Creating a User-Defined Inspection Principle

This process results in the creation of several elements for one section. Since this process needs to be repeated on each section, the software captures the entire airfoil inspection process in one function called a user-defined inspection principle, or a UDIP. This feature is located under the inspection menu; however, it is restricted to GOM Inspect Professional software.

Diving into Airfoil Features in GOM Inspect Professional Software

The next segment of this example utilizes GOM Inspect Professional software and will use the same CAD model and two reference planes, as well as the same organizing tags that will display all the airfoil inspection elements that were already created.

First, select the base element, or a single parent element, go to the inspection menu and hit "Define User-Defined Inspections" to open the dialog to create a UDIP. Confirm which nominal coordinate system is the basis for the datums and check the parameters involved in all the airfoil inspection constructions. Select some constructions to be adjustable according to the drawing. They will need to be adjusted when the UDIP is applied to other planes.

Applying UDIP to Planes

Begin by clicking on the next reference plane. Hit CTRL plus right-click to open the I-Inspect wheel. Notice that a clickable symbol in GOM Inspect Professional software shows the applicable UDIPs for this element type. This example uses the UDIP made in the Capture 3D airfoil training class.

After the UDIP is selected, a window opens containing an image from the drawing that guided the previously created inspection. Confirm the coordinate system that will provide nominal datum information, adjust the parameters that are appropriate for the plane according to the drawing, and click OK.

The software will take a moment to calculate the necessary elements and then automatically creates and displays all the tags organizing the new information. The software also continues the previously created naming convention. The power of GOM Inspect Professional software automatically completes all the airfoil inspection in just a few clicks.

Where to Get More Airfoil Inspection Training

In Capture 3D's airfoil training class, you'll learn how to complete an airfoil inspection and create a UDIP. To help you dive further into airfoil inspection training, you'll learn to interpret technical definitions in a drawing and review diagrams, tables, and notes to ensure all of the details are correct. You'll also discover how to use those same airfoil inspection elements to power Smart Teach functionality in the Virtual Measuring Room (VMR) to create efficient and effective scanning templates.

With an overview of a simple workflow beginning with a 2D section of the data, continuing with the application of airfoil tools, and creating a UDIP, this tutorial serves as a simple introduction to how GOM Inspect Professional software can save a lot of time on airfoil inspections. If you want to continue to learn how GOM's airfoil inspection tools address specialized requirements in the aerospace power generation industry, contact a Capture 3D team member today. You can also visit our website for case studies and training opportunities or even schedule a one-on-one with our team.

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