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Custom Robotics

ATOS Robotic Inspection Cells for Progressing Manufacturing and In-Line Production

Further increase speed, accuracy, throughput, and repeatability with the use of ATOS custom robotic cells.   ATOS, structured blue light 3D scanners, also known as an optical non-contact coordinate measuring machine (CMM), can be used in the lab, on the shop-floor, near-line, in-line and within production environments.  ATOS easily integrates with various robot manufacturers to ensure process integrity.  Quickly inspect parts without slowing down production.  Robotic solutions require minimal supervision.



automation custom pam 1 Capture 3D PAM - Portable Automated Metrology 
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ATOS Robotics Inspection Cell ATOS Robotics Inspection Cell
ATOS Robotics Inspection Cell ATOS Robotics Inspection Cell
ATOS Robotics Inspection Cell ATOS Robotics Inspection Cell





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