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ATOS 3D blue light 3D scanners

GOM Touch Probe add-on for ATOS 3D Scanner

Touch Probe (Add-on)

Enhance ATOS with Touch Probe Measurements

Our Touch Probe is an ATOS add-on option that enables 3D discrete point measurements in conjunction with ATOS full-field measurements for direct comparison to CAD for difficult-to-access areas, hidden cavities, discreet points, and primitives. Touch probe data can also be utilized for online data alignment. For non-standard applications, customized probe tips and adapters are available.

    • Combine full-field non-contact scans and touch probe 3D measurement
    • Measurement in difficult-to-access areas
    • Comparison directly to CAD
    • Measurement of primitives
    • Quick measurement of individual points
    • Online alignment

Our Touch Probe is a calibrated set of point markers optically tracked by the ATOS 3D Digitizer. ATOS delivers a full-field polygon mesh precisely describing an object's surface and the touch probe's online 3D coordinates.

Our Touch Probe is introduced in the below video at the 1 minute and 27 seconds mark.  

Combining Non-Contact 3D Scanning with Tactile Probe Measurement

Only ATOS dynamic referencing allows the object or the sensor to be easily and freely moved or positioned. The sensor and object do not need to be fixed in relation to each other, allowing for flexible measurement planning and access to all sides, without complex respanning or reclamping of the sensor or part. The lightweight (avg. 100g) Touch Probe allows effortless measurement over long periods and for larger measuring projects. No internal electronics or cables are used, guaranteeing high stability and unrestricted reach.

GOM Touch Probe add-on for ATOS 3D Scanner

Complete Hardware and Software

The ATOS and Touch Probe measurements are carried out with one system and evaluated with one software package. No extra hardware or tracker is required, enabling quick measurement procedures and easy interchange between surface and single-point measurement and analysis.

GOM Touch Probe add-on for ATOS 3D Scanner

Measurement of Small to Large Objects

Five standard touch probe sizes are available for small to large objects - from the measurement of an alignment hole on a small injection-molded part with the Touch Probe PM1.5 to cooling channels of a large casting with the Touch Probe PM18. The touch probes have been developed to adapt to many different applications. The standard M5 thread on the PM3-PM18 touch probes allows for easy interchange of probe heads and extenders. Furthermore, the user can create customized touch probes for specific tasks.

GOM Touch Probe add-on for ATOS 3D Scanner

Online Measurement

The adapters further provide advanced possibilities for online measurement used for:

    • Alignment of components
    • Adjustment of fixtures
    • Determination of trimming and springback
    • Fast online measurement of primitives and edges


GOM Touch Probe add-on for ATOS 3D Scanner

Custom Probe and Adapters

As with the touch probes, the adapters are also customizable and can be developed to fit any task or geometric form.

GOM Touch Probe add-on for ATOS 3D Scanner

Technical Data

  GOM Touch Probe PM1.5 add-on for ATOS 3D Scanner GOM Touch Probe PM3 add-on for ATOS 3D Scanner GOM Touch Probe PM5 add-on for ATOS 3D Scanner GOM Touch Probe PM8 add-on for ATOS 3D Scanner GOM Touch Probe PM18 add-on for ATOS 3D Scanner
 System Configurations Touch Probe PM1.5 Touch Probe PM3 Touch Probe PM5 Touch Probe PM8 Touch Probe PM18
 Length (mm) 90 165 150 200 250
 Weight (g) 10 100 80 120 240
 Point size (mm) 1.5 3 5 8 18
 Changeable probe head
 Probe thread M2 M5 M5 M5 M5
 Touch ball diameter (mm) 1.5 3 5 5 10
 Probe head length (mm) 20 30 30 50 50
 Probe head extendable (mm) - up to 100 up to 100 up to 100 up to 100
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