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Events Schedule

CAPTURE 3D participates in several trade shows yearly in addition to hosting our own 3D metrology workshops.  Please check this page for new event additions. If you would like to schedule a meeting onsite or would like CAPTURE 3D to host a workshop at your facility, please email

Booth #52112
January 22-23, 2024
Las Vegas, NV

Booth #8 (Coexhibiting with ZEISS)
July 29th to August 2nd, 2024
Caesars Forum, Las Vegas, NV

Medical Design & Manufacturing
Booth #3535
February 6-8, 2024
Anaheim, CA

Additive Manufacturing Users Group
Booth #103
March 10-14, 2024
Chicago, IL

Electrocoating Conference and Expo
April 2-4, 2024
ChampionsGate, FL

Maintenance, Repair & Operations Americas
Booth #1784
April 9-11, 2024
Chicago, IL

April 15-19, 2024
Virtual Event

Booth #342
April 24-25, 2024
Uncasville, CT

Booth #2236
May 6-9, 2024
Chicago, IL

National Plastics Expo
Booth #S25177 
June 25-27, 2024
Orlando, FL

Booth #1145
June 25-27, 2024 
Los Angeles, CA

Booth #303
October 7-10, 2024
Chicago, IL

Coordinate Metrology Society Conference
Booth #307
July 22-25, 2024
Charlotte, NC

International Manufacturing Technology Show
Booth #134302
September 9-14, 2024
Chicago, IL

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